Screen integrated into support beam

A unique motor-controled system integrated in the supporting beam, where the screen fabric is equipped with a special ZIP system application, which enables it to be seamlessly attached, stretched out and lead through the guidance. As a result of this equipment, the system is very stable and wind resistant.
The enclosed screen system protects the house from wind, rain and other adverse weather effects, even when the windows are open. It is not making noises and doesn't rip. In rolled down state it is not only protects against sunrays and from peeking eyes, but also protects against small insects. System partially replaces an insect screen and reduces the flow of dust and allergens to the interiors as well. The in-built motor drive ensures high user standard.
A wide selection of colour shades of a special textile fabric (Serge Ferrari, Copaco, Mermet), highly resistant to the effects of environment, allows influencing the final look of single-family houses, administrative as well as technical buildings.
ZIP system

Windscreen with external box

Motor controled shading system with an external box (45°, 90° és 90° built-in box) and zip system, integrated into guide rails. It can be mounted on the supporting profiles of the pergola or on window and door frames.
The enclosed screen system protects the house from wind, rain and other adverse weather effects, even when the windows are open. It is not making noises and doesn't rip. In rolled down state it is not only protects against sunrays and from peeking eyes, but also protects against small insects. System partially replaces an insect screen and reduces the flow of dust and allergens to the interiors as well. The in-built motor drive ensures high user standard.
Box sizes
- 85x85 mm
- 100x100 mm
- 130x130 mm
With a wide colour selection of highly resistant special textile fabrics from Serge Ferrari, Copaco, Mermet.